

今回のHairはcollar type DのみGROUPGIFTにしてあります。本店にての販売となります。
Hair fairに沢山の方に来ていただいてありがとうございます。
W&Yのこれからの予定の報告です。本日、W&Y HAIR 97 を発売いたしますTAYP D  のみW&YのGROUPGIFTとして置いてあります。

A New hair No.97 has been released today.This is available for sale now at the mainstore only.You can get 'HAIR 97 Color type D' as a group gift.Gotta come and get this !
This is W&Y's schedule on July 2009. Please see as below.
A new branch in mainland will be opened on the 1st of July , preparing for FreeGifts as well :)A new hunt(Slice of Summer Bunny Hop Hunt) will start on July, 11th.We hope you will enjoy a ton of event next month :)
We send group notices regularly , they're about W&Y new release, freebies and so on .Please join our group to get information about our products :)
Thank you


              MAIN shop NEW HAIR


It is beginning of Hair fair more and more.In HAIR fair, we will recommend confirming 5 NEW Hair and one FREE HAIR to installation MAIN shop with MAIN shop where two new works and DEMO of fair are put and going to HAIR fair.Landmark of fair is in DEMO.いよいよHair fairの開始です。HAIR fairでは、5つのNEW HairとFREE HAIRを1つ 設置MAIN shopには2つの新作とfairのDEMOを置いてますMAIN shopで確認してHAIR fairに行く事をお勧めします。


We have new hair out!!come by and try the DEMO!W&Y 94 & W&Y 95 NEW@ main store!Thank You!W & Y新作発売です。Hairfairに出そうかと思ってたんだけど・・・・W&Y 94 と W&Y 95寝かせておくと時期が終わりそうなので今年流行のストローハット新作でだしますwよかったらDEMO してね^^