
NEW HAIR 101&102

one-pieces and Bohemian pieces .They're something like getting ahead of the season, yes! the autumn ! W&Y 101 has a hair band with a texture changer.W&Y 102 has a bonus hat lifted onto our back(This hair is the 2nd version of W&Y 31)Please come and pick up demos.
W&Y 101 & 102
秋を先取り気分です101はテクスchange付きのHAIR band102には首掛けHATを大サービスで付けてます。102はW&Y31のバージョン2です。



Slice of Summer HUNTのお知らせannouncement : Slice of Summer Hunt
7月18日よりSlice of Summer HUNTが始まります^^今回はスイカ限定色でこのHUNTの為にテクスチャーを仕上げました。良かったら貰いに来て下さいね各店舗にもStart地点のLMが入ったパネルを設置していますのでもらってくださいね
Slice of Summer HUNT is starting on July 18th, 2009 !We prepared watermelon-colored-texture hair for this hunt.Please come and get this stuff.You can find a big sign of this hunt at the entrance of W&Y main shop and some branches.Please click on that sign to get a notecard with starting point info.
18日よりPrin Prin mallのお祭りです。今回W&Yもmall出店しています。専用1L$商品お姫様Hairも設置していますので、ぜひお越し下さい。Prin mall ブログはこちらhttp://prinprin.slmame.com/
July 18th, 2009 !, here comes Prin Prin mall festival !W&Y opened a new store at this mall to celebrate this festival.Please come and get W&Y No.99 hair for 1L$.This hair has been released for this festival! Gotta get this !http://slurl.com/secondlife/PrinPrin04/45/42/65
Please see prim mall blog as below.http://prinprin.slmame.com/
7月19日Macos Mall OPENW&YもFREEの提供をしています。ぜひ、お越し下さい。
We are opening a new store at Macos Mall this mall to celebrate this festival.Please come and get Macos Mall hair for free!This hair has been released for Macos Mall. Gotta get this!http://slurl.com/secondlife/HIPHOP/179/58/22
7月20日SilkRoad Pirate Tresure Hunt FREE詳しくはAliceちゃんブログで確認下さいhttp://alice07.slmame.com/e680745.html


新しい髪のreleaseです。W&Y98,99の発売前ですが、反響が大きかったので、今晩100を 発売しますお問い合わせ下さった方ありがとうございます><
日本時間2009 /7/12/PM7築地本店にての販売です。
この髪は、W&Yの目標でもあった100個目の髪です。記念の髪でもありますので、今回は前髪のtypeの違う髪をALL colorで入れてます。どのcolorを買ってもオマケ付き!!
Breaking News!
We announced to release W&Y No.100 hair on 2009/07/19 ,but the response about this hair has been so terrific that we are going to release 'No.100' on 2009/7/12 3AM SLT at Tsukiji main shop, even though 98 and 99 are not available for sale now.
Thank you so much for many inquiries about this product. We really appreciate it.
This is the 100th hair for us and 100 was one of our goal.To celebrate this, W&Y No.100 includes different type of fringes as a bonus.We never fail to get this bonus regardless of the color.
Thank you for purchasing our products for a long time. We can't really thank you enough.And next our goal is 'quality improvement'.
Thank you for loving us.W&Y