
Today , we released W&Y 108 - WORK HAT. W&Y 108, which has 14 types of cap colors like vertical stripes of denim fabric, chic colors and so on, will fit casual clothes for sure.Moreover, we can choose 3 types of colors of studs in front, and we can simply change the size of hair by a dialog menu !This 108 includes 2 types of hair color pattern, named like "TYPE A" and "TYPE A2" , the last number indicates its type. Please choose one as you like.W&Y 108 for men is available on sale, too.
We prepare a exciting group gift with a vending machine called 'gachapon', which gives you an item each at random, that is, you don’t know which item you should receive !Gachapon is very very popular among young ages in Japan. Please try gachapon this time.notice : an interval for this group gift is 4 minutes ( one of us can get an item every 4 minutes by clicking gachapon )If you don't want to wait for a long time , you can buy this item for 30L$ each , with a sauce of gachapon play.
Please drop by and try gachapon!!We are open !

新作W&Y HAIR 108 WORK HAT の発売です。
CAP COLLAR は14色、たてラインのジーンズ生地から
ダイアログでsize変更COLLAR change OK!!


①グループの人は無料で引けるが、1回引くと決められた時間(4分)経たないと再び引けない ②30L$を出せば誰でも買える、ただしがちゃなので何が出るかはおたのしみ

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